The Importance of Position in Online Poker

Knowledge of poker positions is essential for any online poker player. Poker positions define how players act during betting rounds, which influences decisions and overall game strategy.
Becoming acquainted with opponents’ actions allows for enhanced +EV decisions; on the other hand, being out of position puts you at an disadvantage as you must make decisions without knowing what their later moves may be.
Early Position
Position is of utmost importance whether playing casually or working towards pro status; the later you act in any betting round, the more information is available for making informed decisions.
Early position players seated to the left of the dealer button have priority when acting after hole cards have been revealed; this includes both Small Blind, Big Blind, and Under-The-Gun players.
As early positions provide limited information about opponent actions, starting hands should be chosen carefully and tighter starting hands should be employed. Later positions provide more opportunities to play more hands and bluff more often as you’ve witnessed other player’s movements beforehand – this allows more +EV decisions and easier exploiting of weaknesses in other players’ play styles. You can learn more about seat position’s effects on poker strategy here. Position is essential to online poker – without it, your opponents are vulnerable and only experienced online players understand its power and use it against them at all times! Read here about why online players understand its significance for online poker strategy here
Middle Position
While players who act first postflop may be at a disadvantage postflop, good players know the value of playing most hands from position is greater. GTO or +EV calculations consider not only hand strength but also the frequency with which a position allows extracting value from an opponent.
Middle position offers more latitude than early position but still requires careful evaluation of hand strength and evaluation of other players’ hands in the pot. Bluffing from middle position may prove tricky due to late-position players potentially checking back into your bluff and decreasing your chances of multiple streets worth of value entering the pot.
Middle Position players include UTG and BB, and those in positions right of the button HIJACK, CUT-OFF and BUTTON. Middle position players can find themselves either stacked or unstacked preflop and early or late postflop; it is essential that they understand these distinctions to succeed at middle position poker.
Late Position
One of the key advantages of playing poker in late position is the opportunity to gain knowledge about your opponents’ hands, which allows for improved decision-making abilities. The more information you are able to gather about them, the better decisions will be made about who to play against and when.
When someone raises from UTG and you fold, they reveal much information about the strength of their hand. Perhaps they possess two aces or could simply want to contest a smaller pot with you.
When someone calls your preflop raise in middle position with a pocket pair and calls your preflop raise in early position, they are also giving you information about their hand strength. Therefore it’s essential that early and middle position play be tight, while late position openness leads to more +EV decisions and easier exploiting of LAG players.
Under the Gun
Expert poker players know that position is of utmost importance in the game of poker. Recognizing each seat at the poker table and how its presence influences your strategy should be among the first priorities for newcomers to take note of when starting out in this sport.
One of the key advantages of playing from late position is being able to gather more information on an opponent’s holding before they act. This can allow you to make more +EV decisions and exploit opponents who tend to play out-of-position, particularly LAGs who tend to act early.
Playing from under the gun (UTG), however, provides you with little to no insight into what cards your opponents might hold before they act. Because of this lack of information regarding what hands to raise when in UTG position, be mindful when selecting and raising hands from this position – you will eventually increase your wins at the tables by being selective with hand selection rather than playing any trash hands out of position.